The DSPPA MP610 – Looks like the importers got the models wrong – MP610 BT. Now, BT is obviously for Bluetooth connectivity – the MP part? -I suppose ”Mixer” (which it is) and “Power amp (”Which it is also).
I’ve known, and been part of the DSPPA brand in lot of capacities over the past 15 Years.
I know it as a reliable brand, powering most of the mall retail brands like _ Mr. Price Hone, Mr. Price Apparel, Sheet Street, Relay Jeans, Sport Scene and others - you see in every mall.. Their speakers, mixer- and amplifiers are of top reliability and will not fail any of your 50 locations. Production Wise offer a special warrantee on DSPPA please feel free to contact me directly – Francois 08222 54860 – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.