Music Man4 - Legacy Sponsorship

Music Man 4 Roy Visser
Music Man 4 - Bloemfontein - Roy Visser

Friday 26th April 2024 – we took a whole load of our legacy sound gear out in support of Roy Visser and Music Man 4.. The Music Man Concept is a long running tradition in Bloemfontein – and one that all Musicians in Bloem would know. Music Man 4, specifically, was conceived by Johan Garish, a member of the original Build for Comfort Blues Band, to aid Roy Visser which currently need our help.

The whole concept is to support musicians that – well, need support.

We decided to come on board early in the process because of these reasons.

1. Roy Visser has been, and still is a very good friend of ours. Roy always spent the time when we needed him to, with no infrastructure to repay him, he kept going. He constantly went out of his way to make our projects his priority and a success, never asking for a return on his time.
2. The Music Man Concept is a brilliant way to help musicians in need. So far, the beneficiaries include; MUSIC MAN1 - Ronnie Lang (Now UK Based), MUSIC MAN2 Bernardo De Sousa (Rock Spiders), MUSIC MAN3 – Koos van den Berg (Buddie to all) and Ismael (The blind Guitar Player in Bloemfontein Middestad of old days) now MUSIC MAN4 - Roy Visser (Our Friend and Mentor to all).
3. We had a whole lot of legacy sound gear that needed a full concert run down and testing.

We will be glad to join Music Man 5 – with even more Retro Gear.

We supplied, and all of this an these are in mint condition:

Soundcraft DB4 32
Klark Teknik Square One 8 Gate Comp
DBX 1046 Compressors
TC Electronics M One XL
Lexicon MXP550
Yamaha SPX2000 (Yes the 2000!)

Electro-Voice EV Q1212 Amlifiers

Then some Microphones, Cables, Stands and Regulated power supplies..

What we got from this is – a very clear signal, our legacy gear sill work. Digital is not better than analogue (just in weight, cable count, power consumption, less complex, heat generation and and and..)

We love our legacy gear and will continue to grow or inventory. Not to rent, but to keep safe and show the future generations.


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Pat Mullin Street



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